Search » "Kathleen Deignan" (33 results)

The Gift (2008)

Title: The Gift: Songs of the Grateful Heart
Artist: Kathleen Deignan
Year: 2008

Wisdom’s Prophet: Thomas Merton’s Exhortation for Transformative Education

Wisdom’s Prophet: Thomas Merton. He stands as one of the great spiritual luminaries of the 20th century, whose legacy promises to endure well into this new millennium. Monk, poet, writer, social critic, ecuminist, journalist, correspondent, peace maker, and mystic, Merton has left a staggering intellectual corpus addressing a vast range of concerns from war, racism […]

A Meeting of Angels: The Correspondence of Thomas Merton with Edward Deming and Faith Andrews

Over the sink in the kitchen of Merton’s hermitage is a Shaker spirit drawing, “The Tree of Life” that hangs like a memory of Merton’s fascination with that Peculiar People called the Shakers. It was the gift of Edward Deming Andrews, the token of a friendship celebrated in this collection of correspondence edited with an […]

Love for the Paradise Mystery – Thomas Merton: Contemplative Ecologist

‘Love for the paradise mystery’ is a dominant motif woventhrough all the writings of Thomas Merton—a gossamer thread of mystical insight and prophetic urgency that fastens together theassemblage of his multi-focused literary legacy. Now, forty years after hisdeath, a pentimento pattern of ecological consciousness becomes evidentthroughout his corpus as its complexity and unity become more […]

Księga godzin

Księga godzin – ułożone w rytmie tradycyjnego horarium Brzasku, Dnia, Zmierzchu i Zmroku rozważania i poezje Thomasa Mertona, jednego z największych mistrzów duchowych XX wieku – zaprasza do medytacji i zachęca do odkrywania bogactwa chrześcijańskiego dziedzictwa.

Borne by Grace (1998)

Title: Borne by Grace: Songs of Contemplation and Praise
Artist: Kathleen Deignan, Anima Schola
Year: 1998

Returning (2003)

Title: Returning: Songs for the Journey Home
Artist: Kathleen Deignan
Year: 2003

Ave (2009)

Title: Ave: Songs of the Congregation of Notre Dame
Artist: Kathleen Deignan, CND & Mary Anne Foley, CND
Year: 2009

Thomas Merton: A Book of Hours

Stunning illustrations illuminate this beautifully conceived & intelligently executed contemporary psalter, a resource that presents Merton entirely as a source for daily prayer & contemplation. Prayer, prose & poetry are interwoven with graceful illustrations to form a spiritual tapestry.

Thomas Merton: Soul of the Age

Having crossed the threshold to the third millennium of Christian faith, believers have a new vantage point for assessing the legacy of one of the great spiritual masters of the last century. Retrospective, however, is hardly appropriate for gauging the phenomenon of Thomas Merton, for we do not look back to recover his significance for […]