Search » "Thomas Merton" (22 results)
Thomas Merton: A Book of Hours
Stunning illustrations illuminate this beautifully conceived & intelligently executed contemporary psalter, a resource that presents Merton entirely as a source for daily prayer & contemplation. Prayer, prose & poetry are interwoven with graceful illustrations to form a spiritual tapestry.
The Ecological Conscience – Merton Essay
(The following is an excerpt from an article that appeared in the Catholic Worker, June 1968, available on reserve in the library). Man is a creature of ambiguity. His salvation and his sanity depend on his ability to harmonize the deep conflicts in his thought, his emotions, his personal mythology. Honesty and authenticity do not […]
Hagia Sophia
Written in 1963 I. Dawn. The Hour of Lauds. There is in all visible things an invisible fecundity, a dimmed light, a meek namelessness, a hidden whole- ness. This mysterious Unity and Integrity is Wisdom, the Mother of all, Natura naturans. There is in all things an inexhaustible sweetness and purity, a silence that is […]
The General Dance
The Lord made His world not in order to judge it, not in order merely to dominateit, to make it obey the dictates of an inscrutable and all-powerful will, not in order tofind pleasure or displeasure in the way it worked; such was not the reason for creationeither of the world or of man. A […]
When the Trees Say Nothing
In this first collection of his nature writings, Thomas Merton is revealed as a man whose spirituality is deeply rooted in the natural world – an environmentalist ahead of his time.
Księga godzin
Księga godzin – ułożone w rytmie tradycyjnego horarium Brzasku, Dnia, Zmierzchu i Zmroku rozważania i poezje Thomasa Mertona, jednego z największych mistrzów duchowych XX wieku – zaprasza do medytacji i zachęca do odkrywania bogactwa chrześcijańskiego dziedzictwa.
El Libro de las Horas
Este libro, imaginado y dado a luz por Kathleen Deignan, reúne algunos de los más bellos y reveladores pasajes de las obras de Thomas Merton, dispuestos a modo de oraciones para rezar cada día de la semana al amanecer, por la mañana, por la tarde y por la noche. El resultado es una versión contemporánea de la tradicional forma de libro de oración que llamamos “Libro de las Horas”.
The International Thomas Merton Society
The Legacy of Thomas Merton
The spiritual master Thomas Merton has inspired and challenged generations of spiritual seekers regarding the sacred dimensions of our personal, social, and political lives and continues to emerge as a spiritual luminary for the 21st Century. His sapiential legacy bears special import for our world culture since it identifies and illuminates various issues that articulate […]
Thomas Merton: Soul of the Age
Having crossed the threshold to the third millennium of Christian faith, believers have a new vantage point for assessing the legacy of one of the great spiritual masters of the last century. Retrospective, however, is hardly appropriate for gauging the phenomenon of Thomas Merton, for we do not look back to recover his significance for […]